Transformation Designer

As a maker, I strongly believe in bringing opposites together: the small and the big, the documentary and the fictional, the supporters and the opponents, the personal, and the public. As on the borders and crossovers of these phenomena, new things can emerge.

My aim is always to find a gap in a socially engaged topic - such as gentrification - and fill this gap in an unconventional way,  using different disciplines. As shown by my project Gemeente Geenwijk, which enables citizens to turn their indignation about the gentrified city into an act of protest by signing up and distributing critical postcards.

Such subjects can seem very abstract. By pulling these issues closer to the prospector and transforming the complex into something tangible, I try to create an experience that others truly feel, as it is one of the main sources internal motivation can spring from.

My methods are characterised by an analytical and open attitude, which enables to shift angles and change perspectives. In combination with a critical gaze, it results in; a whispering activist.